Bantula: International Conference on Culture Based Education in the Context of ASEAN Integration
“Building Bridges and Sharing Lives through Cultural Education in the ASEAN Region”
This three-day conference provides a venue in ventilating issues regarding ASEAN Intergration by discussing the pvital roles of culture-based education as driver of sustainable development and inclusive growth in the region.
Cultural Education as catalyst for reguional cooperation, facilitate socio-cultural mobility by promoting partnership— respect and understanding— among members of ASEAN community, whose national lives and cultures are intertwined and interconnected through shared histories and common traditions.
In addition, a responsive and relevant culture-based education ensures the creation, promotion, and preservation of a peaceable environment conducive to productive collaboration, creative intereaction, and meaningful cooperation.
Conference Overview
Culture is the heart and soul of a nation constituted in the nexus of time and space, and framed within the context of an ever-shifting ideological horizon. As network of human relations constellate towards a common goal, communal desire, and collective aspiration culture-based education revitalizes cultural memory, forges national identity, and affirms a culturally diverse human- connectedness.
This three-day conference provides a venue for ventilating issues and concerns regarding ASEAN integration by discussing the pivotal role of culture-based education as driver of sustainable development and inclusive growth in the region. Culture-based Education as catalyst for regional cooperation, facilitate socio-cultural mobility by promoting partnership – respect and understanding – among members of ASEAN Community, whose national lives and cultures are intertwined and interconnected through shared histories and common traditions. In addition, a responsive and relevant culture-based education ensures the creation, promotion and preservation of a peaceable environment conducive to productive collaboration, creative interaction, and meaningful cooperation.
Conference Theme
Building Bridges and Sharing Lives through Culture-based Education in the ASEAN Region
Conference Objectives
By gathering various stakeholders in cultural education – institutional leaders and policy-makers, academics, artists, and cultural workers, local government officials, culture-bearers, and cultural advocates, students, teachers, community leaders and organizers, what this conference envisions to accomplish are as follows:
- Provide a venue where participants can share their innovative practices in culture-based education in the ASEAN Region;
- Establish linkages between and among members of ASEAN through academic colloquia, conference, and consortia in order to creatively and critically respond to the issues and challenges of ASEAN Integration, culture-based instruction, and outcomes-based learning;
- Facilitate meaningful discussion, and exchange through an interactive, innovative sharing of insights and ideas among cultural workers and practitioners;
- Develop a heightened awareness and sensitivity regarding the uniqueness, dynamism, and diversity of cultures by providing multiplicities of context, plurality of perspectives, and varieties of approaches;
- Formulate initial pathways and roadmap for future engagement involving culture-based education
Conference Streams
- Culture-based Education in the ASEAN Region
- Developing a unified curriculum in the ASEAN Region
- The 21st century ASEAN Student-Learner
- Contextualization, Localization, and Indigenization of instructional materials
- Culture-based teaching philosophy and pedagogy
- Arts, culture, and education in Southeast Asia
- Cultural Memory and Nationalist Education in Southeast Asia
- Education in changing Landscapes and Humanscapes in Southeast Asia
- Regional and Global Issues in Culture-Based Education
- Mother-tongue based Multilingual Education
- Southeast Asia as Research Method
- Environmental Concerns in Education
- Emerging issues and trends in Southeast Asia
- Culture-based Education, Governance, and Development
- Culture-based Technical Vocational Education in Southeast Asia
- Market, Industry, and Entrepreneurial Education in Southeast Asia
- ASEAN spirituality
- Culture-based science and health education
- Outcome based education in Southeast Asia
- Multi-culturalism, regionalism, and globalization in Southeast Asia
Submit a 250-300 word abstract, font-size 12, Times New Roman together with a brief presenter’s information (name, rank or designation, institutional affiliation and publications) in .doc MS Word file with the subject Paper Abstract or Poster Abstract on or before June 1, 2017.