International Conference on Culture Based Education
in the Context of ASEAN Integration

Bantula: International Conference on Culture Based Education in the Context of ASEAN Integration

“Building Bridges and Sharing Lives through Cultural Education in the ASEAN Region”

This three-day conference provides a venue in ventilating issues regarding ASEAN Intergration by discussing the pvital roles of culture-based education as driver of sustainable development and inclusive growth in the region.

Cultural Education as catalyst for reguional cooperation, facilitate socio-cultural mobility by promoting partnership— respect and understanding— among members of ASEAN community, whose national lives and cultures are intertwined and interconnected through shared histories and common traditions.

In addition, a responsive and relevant culture-based education ensures the creation, promotion, and preservation of a peaceable environment conducive to productive collaboration, creative intereaction, and meaningful cooperation.

Conference Overview

Culture is the heart and soul of a nation constituted in the nexus of time and space, and framed within the context of an ever-shifting ideological horizon. As network of human relations constellate towards a common goal, communal desire, and collective aspiration culture-based education revitalizes cultural memory, forges national identity, and affirms a culturally diverse human- connectedness.

This three-day conference provides a venue for ventilating issues and concerns regarding ASEAN integration by discussing the pivotal role of culture-based education as driver of sustainable development and inclusive growth in the region. Culture-based Education as catalyst for regional cooperation, facilitate socio-cultural mobility by promoting partnership – respect and understanding – among members of ASEAN Community, whose national lives and cultures are intertwined and interconnected through shared histories and common traditions. In addition, a responsive and relevant culture-based education ensures the creation, promotion and preservation of a peaceable environment conducive to productive collaboration, creative interaction, and meaningful cooperation.

Conference Theme

Building Bridges and Sharing Lives through Culture-based Education in the ASEAN Region

Conference Objectives

By gathering various stakeholders in cultural education – institutional leaders and policy-makers, academics, artists, and cultural workers, local government officials, culture-bearers, and cultural advocates, students, teachers, community leaders and organizers, what this conference envisions to accomplish are as follows:

  1. Provide a venue where participants can share their innovative practices in culture-based education in the ASEAN Region;
  2. Establish linkages between and among members of ASEAN through academic colloquia, conference, and consortia in order to creatively and critically respond to the issues and challenges of ASEAN Integration, culture-based instruction, and outcomes-based learning;
  3. Facilitate meaningful discussion, and exchange through an interactive, innovative sharing of insights and ideas among cultural workers and practitioners;
  4. Develop a heightened awareness and sensitivity regarding the uniqueness, dynamism, and diversity of cultures by providing multiplicities of context, plurality of perspectives, and varieties of approaches;
  5. Formulate initial pathways and roadmap for future engagement involving culture-based education

Conference Streams

  1. Culture-based Education in the ASEAN Region
  2. Developing a unified curriculum in the ASEAN Region
  3. The 21st century ASEAN Student-Learner
  4. Contextualization, Localization, and Indigenization of instructional materials
  5. Culture-based teaching philosophy and pedagogy
  6. Arts, culture, and education in Southeast Asia
  7. Cultural Memory and Nationalist Education in Southeast Asia
  8. Education in changing Landscapes and Humanscapes in Southeast Asia
  9. Regional and Global Issues in Culture-Based Education
  10. Mother-tongue based Multilingual Education
  11. Southeast Asia as Research Method
  12. Environmental Concerns in Education
  13. Emerging issues and trends in Southeast Asia
  14. Culture-based Education, Governance, and Development
  15. Culture-based Technical Vocational Education in Southeast Asia
  16. Market, Industry, and Entrepreneurial Education in Southeast Asia
  17. ASEAN spirituality
  18. Culture-based science and health education
  19. Outcome based education in Southeast Asia
  20. Multi-culturalism, regionalism, and globalization in Southeast Asia


Submit a 250-300 word abstract, font-size 12, Times New Roman together with a brief presenter’s information (name, rank or designation, institutional affiliation and publications) in .doc MS Word file with the subject Paper Abstract or Poster Abstract on or before June 1, 2017.

Contact Details

Inquiries requirements may be coursed through:

National Commission for Culture & the Arts
Room 5D #633 Gen. Luna Street, Intramuros, Manila
Tel: (02) 527-2192 loc. 529 / Email: